Shows 2025
The Pet Show, Fotografiska Museum Shanghai until March, Best in Show, The Momentary, Bentonville, USA until April, Homage to Older Women, billboard show in Copenhagen, Århus and Odense in March, Common Creatures –Bewildering Beasts, KH7 Art space, Århus in June, Människor och Andra Djur (Humans and Other Animals), a group show curated by me at Ystads konstmuseum November 2025 until April 2026.
Recent shows: Best in Show, Fotografiska Museum New York, Summer in the City, Martin Asbaek Gallery, Copenhagen, We are Animals, Kunsthalle Rotterdam, Animals in Art, Arken Contemporary Art Museum, Copenhagen, The Pet Show, Fotografiska, Stockholm and Tallinn
I’m so happy and proud to be awarded the 2024 Esther Almqvist art grant!
Thanks to the board who chose me: Max Liljefors, Professor Art History, Lunds universitet, Åsa Nacking, director Lunds konsthall, Linda Fagerström, art critic, Bianca Maria Barmen, artist, Janneke Schoene, Skånes konstförening
In Bed, my photo book published by Woodpecker Projects is for sale at Malmö Konsthall Sweden, Moderna Museet Stockholm, Fotografisk Center Copenhagen, Kbr Photography Center Barcelona, Fotografiska Museum, New York and or order it directly from me at
Ljusbild för Palliativa avdelningens Badrum at Trelleborg Hospital, commissioned by Region Skåne is up.
Moderna Muséet recently aquired works from the In Bed and Mammals series, Statens Konstråd from The Last Trees series, Malmö Konstmuseum from the Uniform series and Region Skåne from the In Bed series.